The Benefits of Producing Precision Machined Parts to Takt Time

Efficiency, responsiveness, and quality are non-negotiables in our precision machining operations. Traditional batch production methods often lead to overproduction, excess inventory, and longer lead times. To address these issues, A.R.E. Manufacturing has adopted Lean manufacturing principles including takt time production.

Takt time refers to the rhythm of producing parts to meet customer demand. Essentially, it is the customer demand divided by the available units of time. Instead of making large batches of parts once a year, takt time encourages the more frequent production of smaller quantities. This approach aligns output with customer needs, enhancing efficiency and reducing waste.

There are numerous benefits to working with a manufacturer that produces parts to takt time, including greater quality, steady inventory, flexible delivery, and cost savings. Let’s explore A.R.E. Manufacturing’s takt time production and determine if it’s the right fit for your metal fabrication services.

Leveraging Our Equipment to Meet Takt Time

In May, A.R.E. Manufacturing introduced a horizontal mill machine equipped with 21 pallets and 360 tools. This advanced equipment allows us to streamline our operations by dedicating 85 different jobs to this machine. Using historical data on customer usage, we can determine the exact number of parts needed each week and set up the machine to produce exactly that.

The machine can operate 24/7 and requires only one Level 2 machinist to run it. This machinist is responsible for running the parts, measuring them, and keeping the process organized.

The Benefits of Takt Time Production

We understand that some of our customers may be hesitant to take this smaller batch approach. It might differ from what they’re used to, and change can be overwhelming. However, we want to iterate how working with a supplier that makes part to takt time can benefit you in several ways, from streamlined operations to quality improvements to potential cost savings.

Consistent Quality

Producing parts to takt time means producing smaller, more frequent batches. If an issue arises, it affects only a small batch rather than an entire large production run. This approach minimizes waste and improves quality control, ensuring customers receive high-quality products.

Steady Inventory and Flexible Delivery

A steady stream of inventory smooths out production lines and reduces the need for large storage spaces. It also offers flexibility to handle fluctuations in customer demand. If a customer needs an extra release of parts, the system can quickly adapt to meet this need.

Cost Savings

Takt time production can result in cost savings we pass on to our customers. We can offer better pricing by reducing or eliminating setup times and spreading them across larger quantities of parts, resulting in a lower cost per part.

A Quick Case Study: Successful Implementation of Takt Time Production

We successfully implemented takt time production with one of our long-term customers. By analyzing their estimated annual usage and optimizing batch sizes based on material lengths, we created a system where parts are always available. When the customer places an order, the parts are ready on the shelf, significantly reducing lead times.

This approach has received positive feedback, with the customer appreciating the consistent quality and timely deliveries. By keeping a release on hand and replenishing inventory as needed, we ensure a smooth production process that meets the customer's needs without delays.

Leverage A.R.E.’s Lean Component Manufacturing

Our commitment to Lean manufacturing principles ensures that our customers receive the best possible service and products, tailored to their specific needs. One Lean strategy, producing parts to takt time, allows us to align our manufacturing processes with customer demand, improving efficiency, quality, and cost savings.

If you’re interested in reaping the benefits of takt time production, don’t hesitate to request a quote! If you’re still hesitant, connect with our team to see how this could be the right fit for your project.